- Introduction
- Care Connect London is committed to protecting your personal information, we want you to know your information is safe in our hands.
- This statement sets out the personal information we collate, use and retain as a result of our interactions with you.
- Our Privacy Policy is in line with General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
- Our Principles
- Care Connect London Ltd will process personal data in compliance with the eight principles of the Data Protection Act, these require that personal information:
- Shall be processed fairly and lawfully and in particular, shall not be processed unless specific conditions are met;
- Shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes;
- Shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which it is processed;
- Shall be accurate and where necessary, kept up to date;
- Shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes;
- Shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Act;
- Shall be kept secure i.e. protected by an appropriate degree of security;
- Shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area, unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of data protection.
- Your Personal Data
- Your Full name
- Your Postal Address
- Email address
- Your contact phone number/s
- Your Date of Birth
- Your health details
- Your medication details
- Payment details to process monetary transactions for products ordered with our company
- Other relevant information you provided voluntarily
- Information you may provide when contacting us using our website
- How We Collect And Use Your Personal Data
- We collect personal data from:
- Any direct contact you make by phone, email, in writing or in person.
- Other sources; those who represent you to provide information to us on your behalf by phone, email, in writing or in person.
- We also collect data from you or your representative from contact made using our website.
- We collect personal data from:
- The uses and disclosure of patient health data is undertaken when certain conditions are met specifically:
- With patient consent where it is necessary for the provision of health care (this can include the management and administration processes that are necessary in order to provide that healthcare).
- Only persons who are directly involved in the provision of health care and have a legal right to view the data can have access.
- Where the patient has provided information for their healthcare and treatment they must be made aware and be in agreement how the information is used.
- Disclosure will prevent death or serious harm.
- In all cases the minimum amount of information should be disclosed and accessed.
- Where it is possible to do so, data must be anonymised or pseudonymized.
- Where patient information is being accessed for research, each access will require explicit and informed patient consent unless the research is being managed centrally.
- How We Protect Your Personal Data
- All personal information contained on practice records, whether paper or electronic, is considered confidential.
- Paper records are kept secure and away from access by the public.
- No personal information is discussed with anyone other than the patient or their parent or guardian (except where Gillick competency applies) without the patient’s permission.
- Care is taken that records are not seen by unauthorised persons or staff.
- All staff are aware of the importance of ensuring and maintaining the confidentiality of patients’ personal data and that such data must be processed and stored in a secure manner.
- All practice staff have a confidentiality clause within their contracts.
- Records are retained for periods as agreed by the optical bodies.
- Confidential paper information requiring destruction is shredded.
- If the need arises to transfer information we have procedures that include consent and secure transfer.
- Any suspected breaches of security or loss of information are reported immediately and are dealt with appropriately by the person responsibility for confidentiality and data management.
- Access To Or Updating Your Personal Data
- You may contact us to confirm the details we hold for you
- Before fulfilling your request we reserve the right to ask additional security questions to ensure your personal information is safe.
- If any of your information needs to be updated contact us by:
- Email to
- Post to Care Connect London Ltd, 26 Mundon Gardens, Ilford, Essex, IG1 4AH.
- In person when you meet one of our representatives.
- You may contact us to confirm the details we hold for you
- Contact us
- If you have any questions about our policy or how we use your information, contact our Data Protection Officer by email or by writing to us at the address above.